Sidian Liu, You are too cute I have to bite you, 2024. Tapas Banquet, The Living Skin, Brooklyn, NY, US. Photos taken by Jacqueline Kyuseo Kim.

You are too cute I have to bite you
2 hours

As part of the Tapas Banquet at the Living Skin, I laid down on a bed with carrots, watermelon slices, strawberries, kale, and lotus leaves on my body for pets to feast on. A bunny showed up, feasted, and was gazed and wowed at. When people talked to me I responded. 

Gathering the gaze upon pets while inserting a woman’s body as a reminder, this project probes the subtle violence within the gazes that deem something as cute.

This performence was in response to Sha Luo & Yulin Gu’s Seal the Fog, Again, a project exhibited at Tapas that examines how cruelty wraps itself in innocence thinking of childhood carnival games played in China, where the prize sometimes are live animals. 



作为Living Skin展览Tapas闭幕的一部分,这场表演是对罗莎和顾宇琳《再封迷雾》的回应。该项目在Tapas展出,探讨了童真与残酷的连接,联想到童年时在中国游乐园玩过的的游戏里,有时奖品是注定短命的活体动物。